
Showing posts from November, 2009


Last time I blogged I was contemplating a big change in my life of leaving a job I had loved forever for a job that was entirely new and challenging but with more long term security. I chose the road less traveled. The new job/career and a challenge. Looking back over the past 3 months, I can say that it was entirely the correct decision. In the last three months I've nearly had a heart attack when I realized how much work was in it for me, been excited to meet a strong female role model in our Vice President, remembered that I can learn anything if I put my mind in to it, meet some amazing customers and helped to grow one of the nicest people I've ever meet so someday he gets a leadership role of his own. Best of all are the customers, I love most of the personalities that come into my lcoation, from the Wealthy Millionare with the diamond ring bigger than my eye, with a new name brand bag everyday who insists that we gather her supplies while she stands and watches.... She