
Showing posts from January, 2010

Closure on 2009

Looking back on the past year, it has been one of my most eye opening years yet. I've learned that even if you believe that someone is perfect, they are not. I've learned that I am much stronger than I ever thought I was emotionally and that sometimes I discount my ability to withstand or let fear suffice. I've learned to fight for the things I believe in and that all relationships require hard work. I've learned to give up on things I love when there is no hope and that to grow we must try new things. I've learned who my true friends are and what an amazing family I have. I've looked at my mother differently in the fact that I never realized how much she has let me grow as an individual by not forcing her opinions on me. I've watched my sister grow before my eyes into an amazing mother... I still can't believe that she is a mom sometimes. I still see her as my cute little sister. I've become an aunt to a beautiful little girl who terrifies me but ye